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Polybioprocess Technology: Waste Water Management
- Scientific Concept: The Poly-bioprocess Technology is based on equilibrium Bio engineering design (4× 1) concentric tanks, the influent flow by gravity to a Bioreactor equipped with Polyfilters, separate the solid sludge and deposited in the bottom of sludge tank, equipped with a submersible pump to recirculate the sludge back to the polyfilters.Due to the injection of ecobioproducts , in the influent, the solid sludge is liquefied. The separated liquid in the Bioreactor, flow by gravity to an adjacent aerator settling and clarifier tanks, with no electro mechanical mechanism.
Biological Treatment Process
- The liquid waste, derived from municipality and organic Industries, is rich with microorganisms; Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Bacteria and Fluctuate Bacteria. The Polybioprocess Technology, enhances, activate and enrich the influent with ecobioproducts inhibiting the anaerobic Bacteria to stop gas formation (bad odours) convert the Fluctuates Bacteria to Aerobic Bacteria keeping the good bacteria and Enzymes DOMINANT. The main role of the eco-bioproducts, in the Poly-bioprocess Technology, is to break down the solid to Liquid Phase, due to the content of the ecobioproducts (organic chelates ,polyenzymes ,microorganisms, organic solvent) the Organic chelate, held in water suspension, chelate the free copper (CU++) accumulated in the bottom of the water tanks ,the chelated copper comes in contacts with the Anaerobic Bacteria, inhibits their activities, stop gas formation, (no bad odours) from the other hands ,the chelated copper comes in contacts with Aerobic Bacteria, create a tourbillon, or water movement 8 meters /hour, lifting the solid sludge from the bottom of the tanks up to the aerobic bacteria zone, to be broken down into liquid by the Polyenzymes, regenerating the pro-enzymatic stock and many ciliated protozoa, Join the billions of bacteria living in latent state, but capable at normal development to metabolize and liquefy the solid into liquids, eliminate the faecal coliforms, reducing the BOD, COD, and other parameters.